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Voici les réalisations des enfants de l'année 2019-2020: vous pouvez consulter cette page encore quelques semaines.

Hello Fluffy!


Fluffy is a dog, he is a puppy (baby dog).

He likes playing the harmonica and here is his welcoming song:

Hello Fluffy, Hello you!

Hello Fluffy, I like you!

Fluffy is tired.

He has a bed, a pillow, a blanket.

The bath song

Voici la chanson du bain *

Are you hungry?

Voici un lien vers une vidéo de la chanson

Are you hungry? *

The contraries!

Open and shut them!

* Vous pouvez retrouver ces chansons sur

I'm ready for halloween party

Knock knock, trick or treat

who are you?

I'm little fluffy

Knock, knock trick or treat 

who are you ?

I' m little fluffy 

Nice to meet you!


what about you?

I'm the witch!

knock-knock.mp3Artist Name
00:00 / 04:56
halloween-party.mp3Artist Name
00:00 / 00:55

Christmas time


Reindeer: rêne

Santa Claus

Snowman: bonhomme de neige

sleigh: traineau


christmas tree: arbre de noël

Morning rituals

The zoo animals

Fluffy is going to the zoo with his pic-nic basket : What is in his basket?

(C'est le moment de sortir la dinette à la maison et de composer le pique-nique!)

Watch the video and do the quiz

Fluffy at the zoo! 

Voici les aventures de Fluffy! A regarder sans modération!

Fluffy in the jungle!

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